Creative Advertising - Chloé

This ad for Chloé hit my spot:
Because it can exist in itself, it;s contemporary dance, beautiful clothing on digital colours (and tones which I enjoy).
It leaves the flatness of "sell sell" and meets the depths of a visual exploration regardless of the medium. I like it.

Gerhard Richter in progress - Shortfilm

Like many people of our generation, I admire Richter's works: 
I am inspired by his pushing boundaries within painting, blurring them with photography and by his concentration. To tackle similar problems from various perspectives, and not stopping to tackle them.
However fascinated, I did sometimes wonder how the more recent works are produced.
And I feared, maybe, knowing it - I would like his works less. 
That the magic would leave.
Did the magic go?

See your answers here:
Filmmaker Corinna Belz has spent years in Richters Studio documenting his working process.
Here's an excerpt on NOWNESS (click picture or link below)