The launch video - Lazy Oaf

Good day, just saw Lazy Oaf's Looney Tunes launch video and thought it is unsual: weird, nice angles, lot's of rewinding and a very bizarre and contemporary feel to it. A good portion of irony in the oh-so serious fashion world.
Here the link:

New York Envy-

The envy appeared when reading this article about the movie which screens at the New York Film Festival:
Jim Jarmusch and Tilda Swinton on Creating the Vampire Hangout Movie  
‘Only Lovers Left Alive’
By Jason Bailey on

Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts initiative

Brilliant: Rolex is supporting young artists with this program by pairing up an overly successful atrists with another one, which is a lot younger. Mind my sarcastic underdone, I actually am amazed. What a great initiative to take from Rolex!
Here the link, if you are interested:

Cindy Gallop-on better advertising

Here a (not so) short video from Mrs. Gallup's speech at the "Changing Advertising Summit" 2012
A very strong women making aware some downfalls of contemporary advertising.


Commercial by Manuel MACK (

Just came across this commercial and thought it's very nice, concise and pretty.
Click on one of the images below to be directed to the short clip.
These are NOT sponsored links.