Photography - Nadav Kander

Nadav Kander, UK based photographer best know for portraiture and landscapes.
(We've seen this one before, I believe):

I enjoyed Nadav Kanders portfolio for it's diversity.
No sterotypical sticking to one "red thread".
But find below two images which I enjoyed. 

Flash of Hong Kong

Thinking in progress - Ivan Perez

Friday, 02/08/2013
This video struck me. thoiugh I am not fully convinced of it, finding many excerpts to graphic, too direct etc, it still inspired me.
The wholeness of this piece. The parallels between painting, video, performance, photography, writing seem somewhat incorporated.. I believe they interact, they're a whole; sometimes rightly separated through media, sometimes wrongly so.
This one, I find , is a wonderful "thinking in progress".

I enjoy some of the movement, finding it wonderfully special. 
Unfortunately the graphic, plump scenes outweigh many of the beautiful thought concepts, but it's still worth a glimpse..

Kat - on the Sunday Odyssey

Some new shots from today with Kat from Frame Models.
(Thank you Kat, from Frame Models) for kindly jumping in for the spontaneous rooftop shoot, and for pretending not to be cold).